Leaving Certificate
Leaving Certificate Programme
The Leaving Certificate Programme is a two year programme leading to the Department of Education and Skills Leaving Certificate Examination. The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (L.C.V.P.) is also offered in St. Joseph's as an optional additional subject. Students with the relevant subject groupings may take LCVP which is comprised of two link modules. St. Joseph's offers a wide range of subjects to meet the requirements of all our student population. Physical Education, as an examination subject was added to the curriculum in September 2020.
In spring, preceding entry into 5th Year, students choose their four optional subjects for the Leaving Certificate, which are studied along with the three core subjects, Irish, English and Mathematics. Every effort is made to secure a student’s first preference of combinations. Advice is provided by the Career Guidance Teacher at both individual and class level. All subjects are offered at Higher Level and Ordinary Level, with Irish and Mathematics also offered at Foundation Level.
The following are the senior cycle subjects on offer at St. Joseph's, along with links to their pages on the NCCA site.
Compulsory Subjects:
Co-curricular classes in Religious Education, Physical Education, Career Guidance and Choir are also part of the timetable for Senior Cycle students.
Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme
St. Joseph's offers LCVP (Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme) as an extra subject to the established traditional Leaving Certificate. LCVP is a Senior Cycle Programme of the Department of Education and Skills, designed to give a strong vocational dimension to the Leaving Certificate (established). The programme combines the virtues of academic study with a new and dynamic focus on self-directed learning, enterprise, work and the community. Students taking the LCVP have a unique opportunity to develop their interpersonal, vocational and technological skills. These skills are equally relevant to the needs of of those preparing for further education, seeking employment or planning to commence their own business sometime in the future.
The LCVP programme consists of Leaving Certificate subjects, together with two short courses called link modules. The link modules are Enterprise Education and Preparation for the World of Work. LCVP students take at least five Leaving Certificate subjects, two of which must be chosen from a list of subject groups. They must also study Irish and a modern European language. The link modules are activity-based, and are designed to give students the chance to apply what they are learning to real life situations. Work experience and career investigation are important parts of the LCVP.The Leaving Certificate subjects are examined through the standard Leaving Certificate examination. The Link Modules are assessed in a written examination representing 40% of total marks and a portfolio of coursework representing 60% of total marks.
LCVP students receive the same certificate as other Leaving Certificate students but their Certificate includes an additional statement of the results of the Link Modules. When students receive their Leaving Cert results, the LCVP grade is included at the end of their subject list. A distinction, merit or pass will be awarded to successful students and The Link Modules are recognised for points purposes by the Institutes of Technology and the Universities.